Last february 22nd Brigham sold their Large Queens collection, which was in all likelihood the most complete collection of its kind. In it was the infamous Scott #32, the green 2¢ Large Queen on laid paper. There is only 3 known copies of this stamp (the third copy was discovered last year) and the one in question is so far the finest known. The 2014 Unitrade catalogue estimated this Used Fine copy at $250,000, Brigham Auctions were estimating that the copy would sell for $900,000. The winning bid was finally $475,000, not so bad for a single stamp!
Note that the third copy discovered will also be sold next october (2014). It is the first time in Canada philately history that two of the three #32 are sold in a one year gap. That’s a little piece of history!
I am sure you will be a success and make them proud
I have a 5c black queen facing same direction. Would it be worth anything?
Also I have a (quarter anna) brown stamp with what appears to be a queen facing to the left that is not preforated. It is under the India world stamps from a old world book I bought from a Honduras man 12 yrs ago and I put the book up…but I am just now looking into all the stamps in the book and the dates…some say ship mail, some have 1914 handwritten notes from way back when and some are from 1800’s and early 1900’s as well. I do have some unused stamps throughout the book, but unsure of its value as it takes so much time looking stamps up. All the other stamps from 1902 and up in the book are preforated. Too bad there isn’t an upload place here for a photo for people to load a photo of the stamp they are inquiring about.
I too have this same stamp, how do I find out if it is authentic and worth something?