FAQ: What are the basics of stamp collecting? Understanding what kind of a stamp you have.

Understanding the stamp ABC's**
Understanding the stamp ABC’s**

Welcome to the fascinating world of stamp collecting. Everyone has different reason for collecting, some enjoy collecting according to specific themes, others to learn about history, others still as an investment. Whatever your reasons, starting a new hobby can be a little intimidating at first and you may feel you need help getting to know your way around. That is why Arpin Philately has decided to post a series of articles helping you to understand the basics of stamp collecting-the stamp ABC’s!

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How to successfully detect tagging on Canadian stamps?

Phosphorescent...or fluorescent?
Phosphorescent...or fluorescent?

Some of the most frequent questions we receive have to do with tagged stamps. What is tagging? How can I detect tagging? What is the difference between phosphorescent and fluorescent tagged stamps? Winnipeg vs General tags? Many collectors have these stamps but are unable to differentiate them from the regular issues and that can be very frustrating.


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