It seems that one of the most interesting subjects in the world of philately is the value of rare stamps. Many articles have been written on the subject, including one by our own company president in 2007, entitled, What are the most famous rare and valuable stamps? However, since then, a few new sales and records have been made. This article lists the 5 most valuable single stamp issues in the world according to the latest research we could find.
most valuable stamps
What are the most famous rare and valuable stamps?
The first question which I am always asked when I say that I am a philatelist is: How much are the rarest stamps worth? This is an intriguing question for many, since rumours abound which state that some of these tiny pieces of paper are worth a tidy fortune. In point of fact, it’s true! Some sales transactions have been known to be in the millions of dollars. Why do these stamps hold so much value? Well, each has its own little history making it unique and famous.