A common question in the stamp collecting world is: where can I get my stamp expertly valued? Oftentimes, if an individual wants to sell a rare stamp, a buyer will require a certificate of authenticity. Why? Well, because there have been several instances where a catalogued stamp has turned out to be a fake, or a stamp has been cleverly altered to make it look like something it is not. Who wants to buy a fake? (see article:Fakes and Forgeries-Beware!)
How will the experts evaluate your stamp? There are several things they can look out for: (see article:Fakes and Forgeries-How to spot them!)
- Is the size correct?
- Is it printed on the right kind of paper and using the same printing method as the genuine article?
- Are the perforation measures correct?
- Is the stamp the right color?
- Has a cancellation been removed to make it look like a mint stamp?
- Has it been regummed?
- Has the stamp been repaired in any way to make it look like it is a better condition than originally?
In order to determine these different factors, obviously an excellent knowledge is required on the part of the expert, as well as abundant reference material. There are even various instruments which can be used to evaluate the genuineness of the stamp such as:
- Paper micrometers
- Binoculars and microscopes
- Ultraviolet and infrared lights
- X-ray fluorescence and spectro-photometers
- Photometric color determination equipment and color swatches
If a stamp is found to be the real deal, then the individual or organization will issue a certificate of authenticity. These documents often possess security features themselves in order to prevent someone from forging the actual certificate.
So, which experts can you turn to in order to authenticate your stamps?

The Vincent Graves Greene Foundation in Toronto has been an expert in the field since it was established in 1975 by Vincent Graves Greene himself. Mr. Greene was a prominent philatelist, often referred to by his companions in the stamp world as «Canada’s Grand Old Man». An expert in the field of British North America stamps, he was the recipient of many honours and awards from various philatelic societies. The Foundation, which bears his name, continues in the long tradition of providing expertization service to collectors all over the world.
Another eminent expert you can turn to is Richard Gratton in Windsor, Quebec. In addition to providing expertization services, Mr. Gratton also serves on the Canadian Stamp Advisory committee. This committee helps determine what subjects will appear on the stamps issued by Canada Post.
Here’s hoping your stamps end up being some of Canada’s rare stamps!
I have four stamp collections. How can I find out what they are worth
Jeanette to help you find out what your stamps are worth, you can consult this article: https://www.arpinphilately.com/blog/faq-what-is-my-stamp-collection-worth/en/
I have a U.S. 596 unused hinged stamp and it is the only one known
and what is the fast way to get it certified, the measurements match the design. Thank you.
To have a U.S. stamp certified, I recommend the APS (American Philatelic Society) https://stamps.org/Stamp-Authentication
I have approximately 1200 stamp which I collected since I was 15 years old. Right now I m 32 years old and I think it’s time to have someone to evaluate my stamps collections that has lots of attractive and very old stamps. I would like to sale these stamps. Pls let me know wat and how can I proceed. I live in Canada Toronto and most of my stamps are very old and many different countries collection. Pls email me for for details.
Thank you.
Hi Sir!
I think I am in possession of Washington 3 cents 64a pink pigeon blood,but I am not sure.Also this stamp has something extra; a flaw on the nose.I living in Toronto,and I want you to ask about the address,cost and if I can have a paper certificate,if the stamp it is 64a.Please send me the answer,via e-mail.Thank you!
Hello Sir! Im from Mauritius the country of the blue penny! Recently I came accross some stamps dating back to the colonial British era from 1898 to 1916 bearing the effigee of king Georges Vth and also Queen Victoria mentioning “Postage Revenue” and ” Internal Revenue” on some. Kindly advise me as I have never seen these before.
Thank you for a prompt response.
Mr Jhurry
I am in possession of a bound stamp collection of all US and every country in the world stamps. I would like to know the value of this collection and know where to go to sell the collection. I am not a stamp collector, but this was part of my Mother’s estate and I am sure the estimate is fairly high. Book was put together by Harper & Company may years ago in excellent condition. As you can imagine it is a very large collection, there are also some loose stamps not included. I would like to know who to contact for verification and estimate value. Please email me at [email protected] OR peggybaxter79@gmail as quickly as possible. Thank you for your prompt response.
500th anniversary christopher columbus stamps with authenticity certification. Plus receipt of purchase of 1750.00. THAT I FOUND!! Several sets of. What am I to do with them?? PLEASE HELP!!
A real live person PLEASE
I have approximately 1200 stamp which I collected since I was 10 years old. Right now I m 32 years old and I think it’s time to have some one to evaluate my stamps collections that has lots of attractive and very old stamps. I would like to sale these stamps. Pls let me know wat and how can I proceed. I live in india dehradun and most of my stamps are very old and many different countries collection. Pls email me for for details
I have the majestic stamp album 1955 minkus united states stamp album1965,hygrade united states album all pretty full I would like to know if anyone will help me figure out how much its worth where I can sell them quickly my email is [email protected] i would appreciate the help and when i get them sold you will be compensated thankyou
Where can I get china stamp authenticate done? Thanks
Here is a guide to buying Chinese stamps https://www.ebay.com/gds/The-Complete-Guide-to-Buying-Chinese-Stamps-on-eBay-/10000000177634077/g.html
Dear Daniel,
I’m from Singapore and I have 3 old china stamps (1878 year) where can I get my stamps authenticate done?
Dear Frankie, I would recommend The China Stamp Society. https://www.chinastampsociety.org/