Ferrary – His Legendary Collection!

Philipp von FerraryThe most complete stamp collection ever assembled was done so by Philip Ferrary de La Renotière. He was born in 1850 in the Hôtel Matignon in Paris, France. He was born into the aristocracy, his father and mother being a Duke and Duchess respectively. However, he eventually gave up his titles after his father died, asking to be simply called «Ferrary».

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Canada Post and the Inverted Lighthouse Stamp

the-pachena-point-stamp.jpgIn 1907, the lighthouse at Pachena Point in British Columbia was constructed, and first lit in 1909. It was built after a ship, the Valencia, shipwrecked on its shores. The wreck was one of the worst in maritime history, and earned the waters that it went down in the name «Graveyard of the Pacific».

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Learning About the «Graf Zeppelin» Stamps

Graf zeppelin us stampFirst of all, let’s discuss aerophilately. This is an area of philately which focuses on the study of airmail stamps, in other words, stamps which were used in the transport of mail by air. There are many different facets of airmail. For example: balloon mail, zeppelin mail, rocket mail, fixed-wing aircraft mail. This article will concentrate on zeppelin mail.

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What are revenue Stamps?

Canada-revenue-Law-stampRevenue stamps, unlike postage stamps, are used to collect taxes or fees on various items and to show that these taxes have been paid. Revenue stamps have been used for years by federal, provincial and municipal governments as well as various other organizations. They have been used in virtually every country of the world and are still being used in some. 

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How Are Postage Stamps Designed?

Obviously, one of the most appealing aspects of postage stamps is their design. Thousands of different designs have been created since the issuing of the first stamp in 1840 by Great Britain, which depicted a bust of Queen Victoria. What is involved in choosing a design? Well, different things come into consideration.

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What are the most famous rare and valuable stamps?

1918 inverted jennyThe first question which I am always asked when I say that I am a philatelist is: How much are the rarest stamps worth? This is an intriguing question for many, since rumours abound which state that some of these tiny pieces of paper are worth a tidy fortune. In point of fact, it’s true! Some sales transactions have been known to be in the millions of dollars. Why do these stamps hold so much value? Well, each has its own little history making it unique and famous.

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The Fabulous Story of the Postage Stamp

Penny Black
Penny Black

On May the sixth 1840, the «One-Penny-Black», the first postage stamp, was introduced to the world by Great Britain.The appearance of this stamp would revolutionize the world of communications.Following a postal reform by Minister Rowland Hill, postal fees would now be paid in advance, instead of being paid upon receipt of delivery.

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